My cats have finally learned how to ask for help.
Tucker, the tuxedo, never had to learn how to open doors because our previous cat, Jimmy, would do it for him. Without Jimmy, Tucker often found himself on the wrong side of a door that he couldn't get out.
The kittens (now two years old) and Tucker like to hide in our closet. We don't always check when closing the door and might not find them until hours later. One time, they tore up the closet carpet and blocked us from opening the door. We had to replace the carpet thanks to the cats.
Today, Jazzpurr, the gray cat, meowed right after I left the closet, so I was able to let him out right away. It's only taken a year for him to learn this.
Cats rely on their humans for help.
Who do humans rely on? Do you find it hard to ask for help from others?
Friends and family will rarely turn down opportunities to help.
If you need help with something, just ask! It's a lot better than being closed in a place you can't get out.