I had to take my cat to the vet today. He has been over-grooming and now has bald spots on several spots of his body. This is not the first time this has happened.
He does have a flea allergy which makes his skin extremely reactive with any flea bite resulting in intense itchiness which can last for days. He ends up licking and biting the area so much that he gets a skin infection.
There was no sign of flea activity, but I forgot to dose him with flea medicine last month (or probably the month before that either...)
So, if it's not fleas, he could be anxiety.
Cats show anxiety by peeing outside the sandbox, grooming excessively, being aggressive, meowing a lot and/or following you around everywhere to name a few of the signs.
This cat has been super clingy and aggressive. He likes to jump my leg and bite me when I walk by him. He gets better and then he gets worse. This is one of his worse times.
So, I got out the hormone plug-in and his calming collar filled with herbs. I have to get him a special order collar with a breakaway clasp. Otherwise, he gets his lower jaw caught in the collar and has even more anxiety. That gives me anxiety too while I have to catch him and release his jaw before he harms himself.
The poor cat has had a lot of changes in the last month which may have caused his anxiety. Two of his people have gone away (to college) and no one is home all day anymore since school has started again for the youngest. He loves people, but where are they going?
Then there is the new kitten who wants to attack him after he's used the sandbox. There's just no peace for him in the bathroom anymore!
At least he loves the vet (and the attention the vet and techs give him while he is there). He gets to go back in two weeks.
Hopefully, he'll feel calmer and less itchy.
Until then, he'll be getting lots of extra attention.