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Benefits of staying at home: Author edition

Updated: Apr 19, 2023


I know many people are out of work and must stay home. In Washington state, we have a stay-at-home directive from our governor. Except for essential businesses. As a nurse, I am employed by an essential business, so I must continue to go to work.

But I dream about staying at home.

If I could stay at home, I would continue writing and editing my second novel. I did participate in NaNoWriMo, so I plotted and wrote many pages, but it is not complete. There are many holes that need research/descriptions added.

Of course, I don't want to get COVID-19, be forced to stay home and be quarantined.

So, I fantasize.

Apparently, William Shakespeare lived through a quarantine that shut down his playhouse in London during the bubonic plague. During that time, he wrote King Lear. Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra soon followed.

Agents and publishers are still accepting queries. One of the agency blogs I follow has posted several new author signings.

Online services are still available for reading and viewing. I could try my hand try Facebook live or a video post.

The options are endless.

If only, I could stay home.

What are you doing?

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