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Writer's picturelsbyford

Finding an expert

Updated: Apr 19, 2023


Researching is not one of my strengths. I can google any question and end up on the No Fly list with my results. Okay, not really, but some of my results make me scratch my head wondering how in the world did my search for cooking pasta end up with x-rated results.

So, how do I write about subjects with which I have no experience?

Well, I am an introvert by nature and do not enjoy talking with strangers. As a child, I hated calling people because I was afraid I could dial the wrong number.

So, I usually start my search with a web search which may give me an idea of what to search for next.

A library catalog search will often provide books on the subject--fiction and non-fiction.

But the best option is a live contact.

For my marching band story, I was lucky enough to have a friend who knew a guy who is a high school band director of (wait for it) a marching band.

He was nice enough to answer my questions via email about march backwards vs. slide and where do band members get changed prior to competition. The things I couldn't find in the books I checked out from the library.

Being able to find the answers to weird questions help to bring reality to my writing.

In my next book, I need an expert in a symphony...

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