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  • Writer's picturelsbyford


Updated: Apr 19, 2023


I haven't been writing much in the past few months because of COVID. I'm not sick or anything. Just my focus has changed.

I've been playing a mobile game.

Why? you may ask. Well, my husband isn't traveling for his job and my youngest son has online high school, so they have been playing the same game. They watch YouTube videos about this game and spend evenings discussing strategies for this game. So, I figured, if I wanted any family time, I too must play this game.

Do I always plan to put this game ahead of writing? No. My son will go away to college next year and I hope my husband will travel again for work. Then, I will be home alone and able to pursue interests of my choice.

Maybe I'll write some short stories about my characters dealing with COVID restrictions.

Until then, my focus is on staying connected with my immediate family.

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