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Instrumental Emotions


"Music is what feelings sound like" is a quote by Georgia Cates. Emotions can be felt when hearing certain songs and instruments. I researched this for a character that recognized people with mental music instead of visual cues.

Here is a list I came up with of emotions with corresponding instruments.

annoyance/anger/hatred - loud piano, drums, saxophones, bagpipes, cornet

blissful/spiritual - harp

calm/contentment/love - mellow piano

conflict - detuned cellos

dark/evil - trombone

energetic/high intensity - bugle, trumpet, brass instruments

excitement - plucked harpsichord

fear - drum, piano

fun/humor - rattling maracas

grief/melancholy - cello

happy/cheerful - ukulele, marimba, vibraphone

hope - tinkly chimes/bells

irritation - bassoon

joy - flute, violin, pipe organ

loneliness - french horn

love - viola

loyalty - brass instruments

power/strength - distorted electric guitar

rage/fury - pipe organ

relaxing/sweet - classical guitar

sadness - kazoo

sadness/melancholy - wailing oboe

security - deep tuba

sorrow - violin, flute

thrill/adventure - blues guitar

Of course, not everyone feels the same emotions from these instruments. Some instruments may evoke different emotions depending on what type of music is played. Feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions to add to this list.

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