With restricted social gatherings and banned live entertainment, what is the reality for performing arts in this COVID-19 world?
In Washington state, drive-in concerts are no longer allowed, but drive-in movies still go on. Why? Per Mike Faulk, the governor's press secretary, "One challenge with live entertainment is we think people are less likely to stay in their vehicles and not congregate."
I can't make this stuff up.
Just because people "may" do something, concerts are forbidden.
Where does that leave people who live to perform?
Most likely stranded at home recording performances and livestream concerts using expensive recording equipment with limited reimbursement potential. But recording platforms are not problem-free. Take Zoom. The participants can't listen to each other in real time which results in a production that doesn't quite gel.
Or maybe participating in socially-distanced concerts outside and with a limited gathering like in front or backyards for neighbors, street corners, beaches and/or parks.
School performances will have to wait. Washington state now has a fourth sports season. Football has been postponed to spring, so high school pep band will take place, just later in the school year.
At some point when COVID-19 has run its course, performers will be able to play again for an audience.
Don't give up and keep practicing.