I've read that you should think of the worst thing that could happen to your character and then make it even worse.
This could be hard in writing, especially if you like your character.
Why would an author do this? Well, it helps to advance the plot and develop character.
So, the other night I had a dream. I get many ideas for my stories from dreams. I don't remember all my dreams, but I do remember enough to be dangerous (to my characters).
So, in this dream, my character had moved to a new high school her senior year. (This actually happened to me.) She had so looked forward to being included with graduation events and traditions. Well, she didn't get included with the senior quotes list which was prefaced with a paragraph saying that not everyone was listed because some students were liars.
She did not want to be remembered as a liar, so she went to talk with the school secretary.
This is when I woke up. and thought of more things that could happen to this poor senior who only wanted to enjoy graduation.
What if she didn't get included in the yearbook?
Even better, what if she hadn't met with her school counselor before class registration and was missing key classes she needed to graduate.
Then I realized, that this could totally happen in my hometown. In our school district, students need to pass Washington state history to graduate. The only problem is that class is only offered in middle school.
Aha! I could totally mess with my character.
Instead of graduating, she'll be taking summer school or going back to middle school or something.
Will I do this to my poor character?
Well, I don't have a senior character yet, but I will definitely think of this scenario when I do!