Thanks to Covid-19 and remote learning, Zoom band is now a thing. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? That all depends on your perspective.
There are challenges to Zoom band such as lack of big instruments i.e. the timpani or a bass drum.
Not to mention issues with trying to play together like lagging and freezing.
So, what can a band do remotely?
Build relationships through conversation starters and break-out rooms. Band is all about connections and friendships. Band directors can be very creative to help grow the band community, even virtually.
Musical skill development can continue through one-on-one lessons and sectional rooms, maybe even with a surprise professional guest.
Performances can still happen, but differently. Students will need to self-record their parts to a click track. Then, someone gets to showcase their video editing skills to merge all the recordings together and create a virtual performance.
Sure, Zoom band is different, but it can be fun.
Feel free to click below and experience a virtual performance from a local band's summer camp.